Pictures of the Day

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Carolling For The Glory of God

We had a great weekend at church. On Saturday, we met about 3:00 p.m. and decorated. Thanks to Sis. Sharon, we have some beautiful decorations. After decorating, we had a snack, and then we went carolling to the people in the area. All together, we had about 16 people.
Today, after a wonderful service, twenty-five of us, met at Ci's Ci's Pizza and then moved on to the Quapaw Nursing Home where we carolled to the older people there. I really enjoyed carolling at the nursing home, and would like to go back and sing hymns. We walked up and down the aisles of the nursing home singing, and it felt very spiritual. We may not have had the most beautiful voices, but we were singing for the glory of God. I hope we brought some joy to the older generation.

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