Pictures of the Day

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Christmas is Coming!

Christmas is right around the corner. The young people are preparing to perform our annual Christmas nativity next Sunday night. (I will try to record the program and put it on the blog.) It seems that every year I feel like we have to do something new for our Christmas program, but I've realized that when it comes to Christmas, people like the old traditions. I have also learned that you can't improve on the story of the birth of Christ. I had 2 little boys in the office last week and the youngest was interested in my nativity scene. I asked him if he knew who the baby was and he didn't and his older brother named some secular figure. I was immediately taken with this and realized that no matter how many times we protray the story of Jesus' birth, there will still be people who do not know of him. The kids so enjoy doing this every year, and they in turn can tell their friends just who baby Jesus became and who He is today.

In other news, during preaching this morning, a lady came by and spoke with Bro. Charlie. She wanted to know if we would start picking up her four children for church. She wants them to grow up knowing Jesus. From the name, I would say they are oriental or possibly Korean. They live on my road, and I'm hoping to vist them this week. I pray that they can come to the Christmas program and hear just what Christmas is all about!

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