It's been a long time since I blogged. I just haven't been motivated lately. Having a wreck at Christmas sort of knocked the wind out of my sails, and I've not really recovered. Thanks to Sis. Shelley for keeping up the teaching on Wednesday nights and the children's sermons and skits on Sundays. She really has an impressive drive to teach our children.
Speaking of our young people, all those that are 12 years and over are planning to attend Uth Celebration on February 2, which is a purity conference. It is at UCA in Conway, Arkansas. It's the goal this year to point out how the media is influencing our kids in a negative way, and hopefully point them in a more God-centered direction.
I was raised without a television, and when I got married and had a television, I became a T.V. Hog. I have to say that the television really does have a lot of influence in our homes. Everyone wants to have one of their own so they can watch what they want, we prioritize our lives around our television schedules. I also know that there are toys Hannah would never have the desire for if she didn't see the commercials on T.V. It can also influence you to eat, by flashing pictures of food which triggers you to go search for food. I have broke myself from my intense addiction to the television. I used to have "my" shows and if I couldn't be there to watch them, I taped them. Sometimes there were two shows on at the same time, and I had to tape one and watch it after I watched the other. I had at least one or two shows every night.
When I started Bible Study Fellowship and began an in-depth study of the Bible, I started seeing the evil of the box. That doesn't mean I never watch television anymore or that I have removed them from my home, but I am no longer addicted to it. There are some shows that I like, but if I can't watch it--then I just skip it. I also try to keep myself from watching something that Hannah can't watch also. The problem with the black box is that it pumps opinions and views into my head that I really don't agree with. Over time I become desensitized to these views and opinions and think that maybe they aren't so bad after all.
I started this blog, and didn't intend to bash television, but you might stop and think next time you go to watch T.V. Do I really need to watch this? Is there something else I could do that would be more productive? Do I want my children watching this? Would I watch this show with Jesus?
Unfortunately, I don't always follow this advice myself, but I am trying to do better.