Pictures of the Day

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Noah's Ark; Picture of the End of Time

This Sunday morning, Miss Hannah Diggs came forward and asked to be baptized. She was saved on November 4, 2007, and has decided to follow God's direction and be baptized. This little church mouse is very happy and delighted, as you might expect.

Bro. Donis preached "Pictures in the Ark", Part II. One thing I was intrigued by was that the Ark was not this pretty boat that we normally see in pictures; it was just a box. I also got to thinking, everyone must have thought Noah was the strangest man in 1o counties. He built this huge box, then he and his family got in the box with a whole slew of animals. But, I just wonder how they felt when they saw the door close on its own. Then when the rain started to fall, I'm sure Noah didn't seem quite so crazy or strange anymore. It will be much the same way at the end time. Many people will wish they had listened or even bothered to ask a question, when suddenly all those "Christians" dissappear.

Where will you be on that day?

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